Saturday, April 26, 2008


I have to apologize for my mommy and daddy who have been slacking on posting this week. I told them that is unacceptable! They said they wouldn't let it happen again. It's okay though, I forgive them because we had a really busy week and I know they are very tired!

This week I finally got to meet Tessa's little sister Avery. She was born the same week as me, in the same hospital even! She is soooo cute! I can't wait to get to play with her! Sorry we didn't get any pics...I'm not sure what my mommy and daddy were thinking, but they forgot to take pictures. Oh well, next time we will be sure to take some.

I also met Paige this week. She has the same birthday as me and was born in the same hospital too. Can you believe that? She is very cute too!! Her mommy and daddy came over and we had our first play date. I think our parents had more fun than we did:)

I met another milestone this week. My daddy fed me my first bottle and I drank it like a pro. No Problems!! My parents were so relieved. Now my daddy can feed me too and my mommy likes that.

Today we went to our first birthday party. My next door neighbor Mason turned 2 years old. We got to see Elmo and have Sprinkles cupcakes. It was loads of fun (see my picture).

As always, here are some new pictures. Talk to you soon!

Me and Daddy at Mason's Bday Party

Mason and Elmo

Daddy feeding me my Bottle

Daddy and Me playing with Baby Einstein

"Raise the Roof"

Me getting comfy in my Moses Basket

Ginny and Jeff with Paige

Monday, April 21, 2008


I will be 21 days old in a few hours, how time flies. I am getting so big, I have increased my eating time to almost every two hours. My parents have been taking me out for a few outings, we have gone to church, the mall and several runs to target. We have a big few days coming up as well. Mommy and I are heading to meet daddy for lunch tomorrow. We are also going to see my ong noi and ba noi tomorrow. I cant wait. Mommy schedule some photo sessions for me so I will be getting some pictures to all of you soon.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Mommy and Me

Today was Mommy and my first outing together by ourselves. Mommy was a little nervous, but I had a great time. We went to order my birth announcements and to walk around the mall. Hopefully, we'll get to do it again sometime.

Today was also my first day in my bouncy chair! I think I like it, but I'm not totally sure...I'll get back with you on that one! I'm looking forward to the weekend so Mommy and Daddy and I can hang out together! Talk to you soon.

Me and My Baby Einstein

Me and My Bouncy Chair

Me and Mommy

Me Looking Cute!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I got my social security card today. At first I was excited, I am offical now, but then daddy told me that its means that I can offically be taxed by the IRS now. Mommy and Daddy had to pay taxes and they said its no fun. At least daddy can claim me on his taxes next year.

I went to see Dr. Schwartz yesterday. It was a good appointment till I had to get another blood test done. I cried and fussed all through it. They pricked both my feet. I came out weighting a wopping 9lb 7 oz. I also gained 1/2 inches in height. My parents were relieved to hear the Doctor tell them that they are doing everything alright. I really like my Doctor and his staff.

Well good night. See you all soon.

At the Hosptial

Sweet Dreams

Mommy and I

Monday, April 14, 2008

This Weekend

This weekend we did lots of new things. I went to church for the first time and I was so good. My mommy and daddy were so proud of me. It was our first outing!!

I also had lots of visitors this weekend. Aunt Trisha, Uncle Viet and cousin Vincent came to visit on Saturday with Aunt Vy and Ong Thien and Ba Thiem . My Ong Noi and Ba Noi came to see me on Sunday. I am so lucky to have so many people who love me!

Here are some new pictures!!

Aunt Trisha & Cousin Vincent

Uncle Viet & Me

Me going for a walk
Ong Noi & Ba Noi

Ong Thien & Ba Thiem

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Grandma and Grandpa

Thank you to Grandma and Grandpa for coming to see me and help Mommy and Daddy out!! We love you!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Hi Again

Hi everybody!! Just wanted to give you an update. In my first week of life I have done all kinds of things. I've had my first bath, learned how to ride my surf board and am an expert at drinking milk! Mommy and Daddy are having so much fun with me. We've even been for a couple of walks around the neighborhood in my stroller. Dr. Schwartz says that will help me get rid of my jaundice. I think it's worked!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

1 Week Old

Hi everybody! Tonight at 1:09 I will be one week old! My mommy and daddy can't believe it. So far I have been pretty busy over the last week meeting my family and friends, eating and sleeping. Here are some updated pictures !

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Got Milk?

I am finally home. I love my room. I have lost a little weight down to 8.1 lbs but I've been eating a lot so I should be back up before you know it. My favorite meal is milk. I have it 8-10 times a day. After my meals I usually take a nice nap. Mommy is doing well. She is up and moving. Here are some pics of my last day at the hospital.

Mommy and I

Daddy and I

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My family

I had a lot of visitors come to see me last night. Ong Noi and Ba Noi were there too. My Cousin, Binh, Nick and Vincent came with their parents. Auntie Trisha and Cau Viet came too. Auntie Erika stopped by but didnt bring Tessa. I wish I could have see her and Uncle Brian. Bac Phuong and Mike came with Bac Thao. They all brought some Beautiful Flowers and some wonderful gifts. Daddy would like to send a speical thanks to Cau Viet for picking up some real food for Daddy. Your the best cousin my daddy could have. I can't wait to meet the rest of my family. See everyone again soon.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

A full Day

Today went much slower then most. It was my first day outside Mommy's womb. I been drinking milk off and on. Mommy is getting used to the whole feeding thing. I think I like my parents. They do everything for me now. I better not get used to that. My buddy MG is in the room I was in to get ready for delivery. I think she will be a hottie. She should be here pretty soon. Dr. Bailey came by and checked up on me. She says I'm doing great. Dr. Schwartz my pedi says I'm going great too. I am sleeping really well without fussing much because daddy is the best swaddler there is.
Mommy and I

Me with Mommy and The GP's

Getting So Sleepy

Sleeping like a baby

I'm Here

Hello everyone, I'm finally here. I was born at 1:09 am weighting in at 8 lb 10 oz 21 inches. I wouldn't come out so around midnight Dr. Bailey and Dr. Merdith McIntire decided to come get me. Mom was so brave going into surgery. I think Daddy was scared but he didnt let it show. My grandparents were here as well, they have been waiting with my parents all day long. For my first meal, I had milk. I dont think I got a milk mustache though. Its getting late so im going to bed. I will see everyone tomorrow.


Daddy getting ready for surgery

Mommy and I

Get this stuff off of me!!!

All better now, Can I get a blanket though?

Flowers Daddy got Mommy and I