Monday, October 27, 2008

October Fun

So far, I have been keeping very busy this fall. I have learned to crawl pretty well now, so I am keeping mommy and daddy on their toes. I can also go from laying down to sitting up by myself now. Pretty soon, I will be walking and then the fun really begins:)

This weekend, we did all kinds of fun fall activities. Friday night mommy and daddy decorated our house for halloween. It is pretty scary!! Saturday, daddy and I went with mommy to the stroller fit fall festival. It was funny to watch mommy and daddy exercise with all my other buddies parents. I was proud of them though! Then in the evening, we headed out to our neighborhood fall festival. I got a chance to try on my costume. I had to nix the dragon costume because I couldn't fit in it anymore:) So this year I am a bat.

Sunday, it was off to the arboretum for some fun with my buddies from mommy and daddy's pre-baby classes. We all hung out and had a picnic lunch and then took lots of fun pictures. Here are the latest!! Love you all and hope to see you soon.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Loads of Fun!!

I have been doing lots of fun things this last week! First, we went to the Texas State Fair last wednesday with Tessa, Avery and Vinny. I had so much fun looking at all the bright lights, going to the petting zoo and watching mommy and daddy eat all the fair treats. I even got to play my first carnival game and won:)

This past weekend we got to go to the pumpkin farm in Celina, TX with Mason and Aiden. We had a blast. I got to see tons and tons of pumkins, petted my first animal and took a hay ride with mommy and daddy. Here are lots of new pics!!

I think the goat was more afraid of me than I was of him
I really was so interested in all the pumpkins

Hey Grandpa Krueger....I'm on a tractor

The hay was very tasty!

I wasn't happy because Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me eat the hay:(

But I was too fast and got a little taste...I wouldn't recommend it

Me and My Daddy

Le family Pic

Mommy and me

Humm...what is that thing?

Finally a smile...but still eyeing that hay

Aunt Kathy, Uncle Mike and Me sporting our Jerseys

This lion doesn't scare me

I loved the carnival I am playing my first

Hope everyone is doing great!!

New Naked picture:)

Hope to see you all soon!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

6 Month Pics!

Mommy and Daddy decided to venture out on our own and do some 6 month family pictures this weekend. We went to the sculpture park here in Frisco. It's really neat, there are lots of cool sculptures. You should check it out sometime. Hope you enjoy!!