Saturday, August 30, 2008

Bon Voyage!!

Hi there! Ok, my mommy and daddy say we are all packed and ready for our first big trip. This will be my first time on an airplane and I am so excited! Mommy and Daddy are a little worried .... they hope that I don't cry too much. I think I will do just fine, especially since my cousin Vinny will be there to calm me down. He's been on a plane before and he tells me its no big deal.

We'll take lots of pictures so we can show you all of our fun adventures in Oahu. Until then, here are some pictures my Nanny Lorena took this week!

Looking cool in my Orange Chair

Hanging out in my green chair~
This shoe looks very tasty
I love to eat
I'm starting to get used to my crib
Peek a Boo
So long til next time......

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Baptism Weekend

I want to say thank you to all my family that came to celebrate with me on my baptism! It is so great to have such a wonderful, supportive family. I love all of you!

My Cousin Mason takes good care of Sierra

Me and my Krueger Cousins

Mommy and me on my Baptism Day
Here I am getting Baptized
Look at how big my Family is!!
I love you!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's Me Again!

Hi everybody! Alot of new and exciting things have happened over the past week. I've learned to roll in all directions and love to do it, especially when I see an exciting toy I can reach for. Mommy and Daddy have also been working on my sitting and I am starting to be able to sit by myself. It's great fun and I can't wait until I can really sit by myself and play with all my toys.

In other news, I've learned to brush my teeth (with Mommy's help of course). And Mommy had to go buy me a new bathtub because I outgrew my pod:( I hope I can fit in the new one, I guess we will find out tonight.

That's all for now.

I love to be on my stomach now

Here I am in action!

Brushing my teeth:)

Hi Everybody
How is everybody?!?
This is Mommy's Favorite

Thursday, August 14, 2008

New Pictures!

Here's some new pics!

Grandma and Cousin Sierra
Me and Great Grandmother
Do you see my two bottom teeth?
Cousin Mason giving me a kiss
Me all dressed up!
Hi Everybody

Sunday, August 10, 2008

A Tribute

This is a tribute to my Great Grandaddy, Buster Burrell who passed away 8/8/08. I never had a chance to meet him, but my Mommy and Daddy tell me he was a wonderful person. We love you Great Grandaddy!

Cousin Mason & Great Grandaddy

Mommy & Great Grandaddy
Daddy & Great Grandaddy

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I had my first taste of Rice Cereal this week and I love it!! I'm sure that isn't too surprising. I don't seem to be a picky eater...I'll take whatever I can get, however I can get it:) Oh yeah, I forgot to give you my 4 months stats, so here goes>>>

Weight 19 lb 8oz
Height 25 1/2 inches
Head 17 1/2 inches

I love putting things in my mouth these days!

My favorite place to be!!

Ummm this is soooo good!

Mommy and Daddy thought this looked cool

Hey..we aren't done eating are we?

Sunday, August 3, 2008

4 Months Old!

Hi everyone! I am offically 4 months old! Things have been happening so fast around here. I now have 2 bottom teeth. I haven't had a chance to use them yet, but soon I will be trying all kinds of foods. Dr. Schwartz said I could start eating rice cereal...I can't wait.

I also got a new exersaucer! I love it, it gives me lots of entertaining things to do and I can stand up in it. It's my favorite toy so far.

Here's a few new pics in my exersaucer.