Thursday, September 25, 2008

I'm Still Here

Hi there everybody. I'm still here and there is alot to tell, my parents have just been too busy playing with me to update my blog. First off, I want to say Happy belated Birthday to my Uncle Max and Happy early 1st B-day to my cousin Vinny Mouse! Now on with the good stuff....I now have 4 teeth!!! 2 on the bottom and 2 on the top. I am officially ready to chow down now. I have also been eating baby food and I love it. I have tried peas, green beans and sweet potatoes. So far I haven't found anything I don't like:) I've also been starting to move around alot and crawling is just around the corner. I've already started to scoot and I can manage to get where I want to go with a combination of rolling and scooting. Mommy and Daddy are excited, but aren't sure if they are ready for me to be getting into everything. I think they will be doing some 'jake-proofing' this weekend. I hope everyone is well. As always, here are some new pics. Talk to you soon!!

Mini Tony Romo and Jessica Simpson:)
Mommy thinks I look like I am doing a gymnastics move here

Check out my Pajamas...I love them!

Can you hear me?!? I'm talking to you!

Am I looking like Mommy at all?

Here I am trying to crawl

I love to pose for the camera

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hawaii Part 2

Ok, here is Hawaii part 2.

Here we are at the Honolulu Zoo...My favorite was the Giraffe

Family Photo

Mommy and Me when we first arrived

I really love Hawaii...someday I want to go back

This is my first time in a highchair! I loved it...I can see everything.

Cousin Vinny and I at the Honolulu Zoo

Pineapple heads

Daddy and I on the Dole Pineapple train
Me and Vinny with our moms at Hanauma Bay

Bananas growing at the Dole Plantation

Monday, September 8, 2008

Hawaii Part I

Hi everybody! My first trip to Hawaii was a great one! I got to do so many fun things with my cousin Vincent. My mommy and daddy were very proud of how good I did on the trip. They are already talking about where they can take me next for our family vacation #2.

Anyway...back to our Hawaii trip. There is so much I have to tell you, I'm going to have to do 2 posts:) Here are some pics and narration.

Here I am at the beach on the North Shore...this was the best beach, not too crowded and the scenery was beautiful!!

On the way to the North Shore, we stopped at this Cafe to eat. This is the cafe that was in the movie 50 First Dates. It was great! My daddy had spam and eggs and mommy had pankakes. I got to try some rice here for the first time.

Another North Shore picture. I am staring off into the water....wish I could stay here forever. I loved the cool breeze.

My Mommy found this Hawaiian drink and it was delicious. We are on a search to find it here. Has anyone ever seen it?

Here I am chilling out at Waikiki Beach.

Mommy and me on the Waikiki beach walk. I'm sporting my Hawaiian outfit! Mommy said I fit right in because I look Samoan with all my rolls.

Here's Daddy and I on Waikiki beach walk.

Here I am with my first lei.

I'm starting to wiggle like I am about to crawl any day now.

This is what we got to see everyday. I wish I had some of these in my backyard!

I loved the beach. I think I might grow up to be a surfer.

This was the view from our hotel in Honolulu/Waikiki.